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April 2015 draft minutes
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
April 1, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Sam Harding, Peter Lamb, and Isaac Lombard
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta

The minutes from the March 4, 2015 meeting were approved with modifications.
Shea Field
Lighting Plans.  Since the warrant article for the Shea Field lights passed at Town Meeting with 61% of the vote (69 Yes vs 44 No), we need to find out how to proceed.  The ZBA has given us verbal advice that no variance is needed for town property, but we should get a clear statement in the form of a letter from the Select Board and the Town Council or the Town Administrator informing us of the manner in which we should proceed.  Celeste sent the information on hand to Donna seeking direction, and

Donna has sought the advice of Town Council.

Pete has requested a second bid, and will try to get a third.  The desired time frame for the construction work would be July.  It should take only a couple of days for the conduits, which we could do ourselves.  Pete says a company out of Hooksett has offered to help.  We can rent a turf slicer to roll off the turf, and use a mini-excavator to dig the conduits.
ConVal Agreement.  Joan notified David Martz that the Parks and Rec Commission is adamant about the request for four weeks’ notice of the ConVal’s requested field use schedule.  There has been no response.  Joan will contact him again.  The field is currently too wet to use, but we would like to have an agreement in place for the start of the spring season.

Some of the delay may be due to the proposal by the Cougar Volunteer Youth Sports Association (CVYSA) to coordinate a district-wide independent youth sports organization, using ConVal and town facilities.  Bob Crowley, one of the organizers, has asked to come before P&R at the June 11th meeting.

Recreation Department
Personnel.  Celeste is continuing to interview candidates for the position of Recreation Department Assistant.
Update.  Shea Field may be too wet to use for the Spring Egg Hunts.  Celeste purchased some indoor lacrosse goals, and all teams are starting to practice in the gym.  There will be a combined Antrim-Peterborough girls’ lacrosse team (the ConVal Lynx) and there are baseball teams in every league.
Gregg Lake
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  The boat launch sign has been rebuilt, with doors that will open and can be locked closed.  Celeste is thinking of planning a work day for cleanup and upgrades at the beach.  She will replace the broken digger with an appropriate piece of playground equipment, and is getting quotes for a new raft.  She is also looking for signs.  
A bass fishing tournament is scheduled for May 9.  The Mohawk Bassmasters did contact us this year regarding their application to NH Fish & Game for a fishing tournament permit, and Celeste responded with requests to check for invasive species, to park only in designated spaces and to carry out all garbage.
Town Gym
Shared Use.  There is still good compliance by staff and students with carrying gym shoes over from GBS for the Running Club.  Otherwise, GBS is not using the gym.  The new AES gym teacher has been very cooperative.
Other.  There has been a big turnout of men playing basketball Tuesday nights.

Memorial Park
Ten-Year Plan.  Since the warrant article for lights at Shea Field was passed, it will be many years before we have substantial funds to work on Memorial Park.  At this point we will focus on formulating plans and doing small improvement projects.  Celeste will contact Harry Payne again to try to get the fencing extended, and Joan will look into replacing some of the landscaping around the bandstand.  The first step will be to contact some of those who worked on the original landscaping to find out if any particular items have special significance.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary